Scientific-Research and Design-Engineering Departments of the Institute/p>
Mining and Ore Dressing / Laboratory of Geology
Tel. (7232) 224420
The major fields of activity are:
- Geological support for engineering of mining operations (selection of types of deposit opening and systems of deposit exploration depending of geological conditions: complex metals, gold, iron ores, chromites, potassium salts);
- Development of preliminary technical and economic assessment (TEA) and TEA with improvement of financial and economical model (FEM)for deposit exploration project;
- Environmental industrial monitoring within the area of mining and dressing plants operation;
- Geological and technological mapping of the ores of complex, gold and rare metal deposits;
- Research and development of the ore quality control systems;
- Economic-geological and technological evaluation of the industrial mineral deposits from mining-dressing and metallurgical wastes;
Principal research officers:
Serik Musurmankulov – Chief of the laboratory
Vasiliy Prokhodov –Senior Researcher
Alexandr Didenko - Senior Researcher
Lyudmila Kaznacheyeva - Senior Researcher
Viktor Naumov - Senior Researcher
Laboratory equipment:
- equipment to perform field and laboratory exploration and monitoring work;
- equipment for slides and samples preparation;
- up-to-date computers with special software for simulation of geological units, FEM analysis.
The major developments are:
- Technique of geological-technological mapping during exploration and development of complex deposits;
- Industrial type assignment of ores and optimal flowsheets of their mining and processing at large deposits of Rudny Altai;
- Improvement of ore preparation system: ore quality control by means of operation monitoring geophysical methods, separation and pre-dressing of ores;
- Guidelines for exploration techniques improvement associated with determination of the optimal sampling density and upgrading of the ores technological study efficiency; major reasons for mining losses at various-type deposits were revealed;
- Classification of the dump products by major features, principles and techniques for evaluation of industrial deposits by commercial importance factors and readiness for development;
- Participation in preparation of master-plan for development of lead and zinc industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2010-2030.
All enterprises concerned are invited for cooperation.