Scientific-Research and Design-Engineering Departments of the Institute
Metallurgy / Laboratory of Mineral Raw Materials Technological Testing
Leading researchers:
- Larisa Kushakova, Chief of the Laboratory, Candidate of Technical Science
- Nataliya Sizikova, Senior Researcher, Candidate of Technical Science
- Anna Reznichenko, Senior Researcher
- Olesya Brailko, Senior Researcher
The major areas of activities are:
- Development of new and improvement of the existing methods and process flow sheets for complex raw materials processing;
- Performance of the tests and development of the process flow sheets and processes for raw materials processing at the pilot plant.
The laboratory is equipped with advanced equipment for hydrometallurgical and beneficiation activities:
- Crushing and grinding equipment (jaw crusher, planet mills, vibratory screens, grinders, etc);
- pH-meter;
- Analytical and technical balance;
- Grain size laser analyzer;
- Pulp-dividers;
- Ultrasonic bath;
- Mechanical and magnetic mixers;
- Micro-dosage devices;
- Compressors;
- Percolation columns;
- Bottle rollers;
- Laboratory heap leaching plant;
- Laboratory autoclaves Parr 4550 (7.5 dm3) and PREMEX Twister (1 dm3);
- Flotation machines;
- Concentrator Knelson KC-MD3.
Pilot plant consists of crushing section, flotation sections, agitation and heap leaching, extraction and electrowinning, sorption, waste water treatment and is equipped with automation and computer equipment.
Tests and research in the following fields are performed at this pilot plant:
- Heap leaching of copper, nickel and gold-bearing ores;
- Processing of gold-bearing, arsenic-pyrite concentrates by bioleaching method;
- Flotation beneficiation of gold-bearing, copper, molybdenum, tungsten and complex ores;
- Hydrometallurgical processing of sulfide copper concentrates and copper-bearing products from zinc production;
- Approbation of combined beneficiation technologies for various types of raw materials (spoiled mill tailings, dusts, chromite ores, etc.).
Tel. (7232) 753784