Scientific-Research and Design-Engineering Departments of the Institute
Mining and Ore Dressing / Laboratory of Mineral Beneficiation
Leading researchers:
- German Ivanov, Chief of the Laboratory;
- Mikhail Shvedunov, senior researcher;
- Elena Kameneva, senior researcher.
The major fields of activity are development and improvement of the technologies for beneficiation of non-ferrous, ferrous, rare, precious metals ores and non-metallic components (fluorite, quartz, muscovite, lepidolite, rock phosphorites), including:
- Ore dressing in dense medium;
- Autogenous milling of the ores;
- Coarse jigging;
- Ore fines beneficiation in centriclones and hydrocyclones;
- Clay disruption;
- Slurries washing off;
- Magnetic and electrostatic separation;
- Floatation and combined technologies to process ores and second-hand materials;
- Gravity dressing on tables, in centrifugal apparatus.
The laboratory is equipped with:
- A device for separating ore fines in dense medium in a centrifugal field of different intensity, in hydrocyclones with a diameter of 150 mm;
- Rod mill 200´300;
- Spiral separators of different diameter (Ø 300-500 mm);
- Jaw crusher С-182Б and ЩДС;
- Roll crusher ДВГ-2;
- Laboratory roll crusher 150´200;
- Semicommercial autogenous trumbling mill 700´250;
- Semicommercial grinding unit 103А-УС with two-stage continuous productivity 10-40 kg/hour;
- Flotation plant with 64-chambers, continuous productivity 10-40 kg/hour;
- Concentrator ‘Итомак-КГ-2.0’;
- Portable X-ray fluorescence analyzer S1 TURBOSD;
- Concentrator КС-CD10MS Nelson;
- Ball mill for determination of Bond index.
Laboratory has developed technologies of ores beneficiation for new large-scale deposits in Kazakhstan and Russia:
- Titanium-zircon ores at Karaotkel, Satpaevskoe and Bayan-Mod deposits by combined processes which provide raw materials multiple use;
- Rare metals ores at Verhnee Espe, Syrymbet, Northern Katpar and Akhmirovskoe deposits with components recovery into selective concentrates;
- Complex ores of Maleevskoe, Ozernoe, Bektagarskoye, Tuyukskoe, Uzunzhalskoye, Artemievskoe, Dolinskoe, Chekmarskoe, Abyzskoye, Obruchevskoe, Shalkiinskoye, Tishinskoye, Irtyshskoye and Gorevskoye deposits;
- Magnesite ores of Masiyanovskoe deposit, microcline ores of Novobratskoye deposit and fluorite ores of Karazhal deposit with the development of ore preparation flow sheets;
- Chromite ores and aged tailings in Denizli and Sivas (Turkey);
- Gold-bearing ores of Aigerimskoye, Bakyrchikskoe, Bozymchakskoye, Kulunzhunskoe, Tersairykskoye, Suzdalskoe, Kolkainarskoe deposits;
- Iron ores of Balbraun, Bolshoi Kitai, Adayevskoye, Benkala, Kokbulakskoye deposits;
- Beneficiation of coal from Karazhyra, Borlinskoye and Kyy-Chekinskoye, using plants for dry beneficiation FGX-6 and FGX-24A.
The following beneficiation factories and workshops have been built with the application of the developed technologies: Ognevskaya beneficiation factory, Belogorskaya factory, Central development factory, Ridder factory No. 2; Satpayev and Kurchatov beneficiation factories, dense medium workshops at Zyryanovskiy, Ridderskiy, Donskoy, Akchatauskiy and Belogorskiy plants. All of them reached the designed technological parameters.
Tel. (7232) 503101